Flended Resistor
Flanged resistor is one of the commonly used passive components in electronic circuits, which has the function of balancing the circuit.It achieves stable operation of the circuit by adjusting the resistance value in the circuit to achieve a balanced state of current or voltage. Is ludit an maximus munus in electronic cogitationes et communicationis systems.in circuitus, cum resistentia valorem est imbalanced, ibi erit inaequalis distribution of current vel voltage, ducens ad instabilitatem. Flanging resistor potest statera distribution of current vel voltage per adjusting resistentiam in circuitu. Et flynge statera resistor adjust resistentiam valorem in circuitu ad aequaliter distribute current vel voltage in utroque genere, ita consequi libratum operationem de circuitu.
RFTxx, 30rm0904 Flanging Resistor
Model RFTxx, 30rm0904 Power XXX W Repugnantia XX Ω (X ~ 2000Ω Fusce) Resistentia Tolerantia V% Capacitance 1.2 PF @ COGUS COEFFFICTUM Cover ADSTRINGUS Silver / ℃ CRINTUM DUCTRUM Cover Image Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° C (videatur de potentia de -55) Drawell (Unit mm) Longitudo plumbum filum potest obviam elit scriptor requisitis magnitudine tolerantia, V%, nisi aliter stated suadeant ... -
RFTxx, 05rj1022 Leaded Resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx-05rj1022 Power V W RESTITUTIO XX Ω ~ (Fusce) Resistance TOLERATIO ± V% Capacitance / Temperature Element Dense C (Suspendisse Suspendisse potentiam in Customer Suspendisse Suggest Ratio Reflws Power De-Rating Profile P / N DES designationem Usus Operam ■ ... -
RFTxx-10rm0404 Leaded Resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx-10RM0404 Power X W Repugnantia XX Ω ~ (10-3000Ω Fusce) Resistance Tolerantia V% Capacitance 1.2 PF @ COGUS Temperature Cover Al2o3 PF PF PF ADSTRATION COEFT Cover Al2o3 DENDUS PF PF PF ADSTRATION COEFT Cover Al2o3 DENDATUS ADSTRATUS TEMPERATUS COEPTA) Longitudo DUCEFACTUM (Unit DRAGMENTUM (Unit, mm) Longitudo ducere (unit, mm) Longitudo Drawin (Unit: Filum potest obviam in elit scriptor requisitis suggesserant accentus relevium modi potentia de-rating reflow profile p / n D ... -
RFTxxn-10rm2550 Leaded Resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxxn-10rm2550 Power X W Repugnantia XX Ω ~ (10-3000Ω Fusce) Resistentia Tolerantia V% Capacitance 2.4 PF @ COGUS Silver Cover Al2o3 PF PF PF PATRIS ALN COEPTA) DENDAE PRINCEPS PRINCIPULUS TEMPERIGRUM ALN elementum DENDUS DUCTRING PRINCIPIO TEMPERATUS ALN) Longitudo DRAGMENTUM (Unit: Filum potest obviam in elit scriptor requisitis suggesserant accentus relevium modi potentia de-rating reflows profile p / n ... -
RFTxx-05Cr2550B chip resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTXX-05CR2550B Power 5 W Resistance XX Ω (10~3000Ω Customizable) Resistance Tolerance ±5% Temperature Coefficient <150ppm/℃ Substrate BeO Resistive Element Thick Film Operating Temperature -55 to +150°C (See de Power De-rating) Suggested mounting procedures Power De-rating Reflow Profile P/N Designation Use attention ■ After the storage period of newly purchased parts exceeds VI menses, operam erit solvit ad weldility ante usum. Est commendatur ... -
RFTxx, 20Cr2550TA chip resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTXX-20CR2550TA Power 20 W Resistance XX Ω ~(10~3000Ω Customizable) Resistance Tolerance ±5% Temperature Coefficient <150ppm/℃ Substrate BeO Resistive Element Thick Film Operating Temperature -55 to +150°C (See de Power De-rating) Suggested mounting procedures Power De-rating Reflow Profile P/N Designation Use attention ■ After the storage period of newly purchased parts exceeds VI menses, operam erit solvit ad weldility ante usum. Est suadeo ... -
RFTxxn, 10Cr2550TA chip resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTXXN-10CR2550TA Power 10 W Resistance XX Ω (10~3000Ω Customizable) Resistance Tolerance ±5% Temperature Coefficient <150ppm/℃ Substrate AlN Resistive Element Thick Film Operating Temperature -55 to +150°C (See de Power De-rating) Suggested mounting procedures Power De-rating Reflow Profile P/N Designation Use attention ■ After the storage period of newly purchased parts exceeds VI menses, operam erit solvit ad weldility ante usum. Est suadeo ... -
RFTxx, 150rm2310 Flanged resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx, 150rm2310 Power CL W Repugnantia XX Ω (X ~ 1500Ω Fusce) Resistentia Tolerantia V% V% Capacitance Temperature LAGE Aes Devoratur Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° C (video de potentia de -55), lineamentis de Power de -55 + Aeris Densissima Duis Cover Silver Temperatus -55 ad + C (videatur Drawell (Unit mm) Longitudo plumbum filum potest obviam elit scriptor requisitis magnitudine tolerantia, V%, nisi aliter stated Su ... -
RFTxx-100RM2295 Flanging resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx, 100RM2295 Power C W [X 1500Ω Fusce) Resistance Tolerantia V% Capacitance 3.9 PF @ COGUS Temperatus COGACTICIFICATION 3,9 Aes PF PF PF PF AUSTATUS TEMPERIGENTA COENGIFICATIO ELEGUS DENDA PF PF PF (videatur de Power -55 + C (videatur DRASSTRATIUS Power, mm) Drawina (Unit, MODOCK) DRAGMENTUM (Unit De plumbum filum can occurrit in elit scriptor requisitis magnitudine tolerantia, V%, nisi aliter dictum suggesserant accentus re ... -
RFTxx-100RM2510B Flanged Resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx-100RM2510B Power C W) Fusce xx Ω (X ~ 1000Ω Fusce) Resistentia Tolerantia D ± V% Cover Silver Temperatus -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperatus -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Cover Silver Temperatus -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + CL ° C ° Cover Silver Temperature -55 ad + C (videre de Power de -55 +) Drawell (Unit Longitudo plumbum filum potest obviam elit scriptor requisitis magnitudine tolerantia, V%, nisi aliter dictum S ... -
RFTxx-10rm7750 Flanging resistor RF Resistor
Model RFTxx-10RM7750 Power X W Repugnantia XX Ω (X ~ 3000Ω Fusce) Resistance Tolerantia V% Capacitance 1.2 Pf Temperature Cover Al2o3 Silver Rating + CL ° C ° C (See of Cover -55) Outline Densatur (Unit: Longitudo plumbum filum potest obviam elit scriptor requisitis magnitudine tolerantia, V%, nisi aliter dictum suggesserant Sancti ...